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內容簡介: 'Chef Charles Carroll has answered our prayers and delivered a book, a bible, a life's journal shared by a real chef in today's modern kitchen.'
—Chef John Folse, CEC, AAC 博客來

'From time to time, I buy motivational books for my managing partners and chefs, and this book is my all-time favorite gift. What Chef Carroll has to say is the real thing.'
—Johnny Carrabba, founder, Carrabba's Restaurant

Leadership Lessons from a Chef is about creating excellence in the professional kitchen.? Here the difference between good and great comes down to the details, and attention to these details comes from the right attitude reaching across all staff.? A good culinary manager, according to author and award-winning Certified Executive Chef Charles Carroll, skillfully cultivates this attitude for success, and so leads the way toward kitchen excellence.

Using stories and examples drawn from his many years' experience, Chef Carroll gives you a leader's tour through the working kitchen. Offering proven wisdom in plainspoken terms instead of abstract management theories, the practical tools and ideas found in this groundbreaking book can be used immediately to motivate and develop an effective team environment among kitchen staffs.


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  • 出版社:桂魯    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2008/01/01
  • 語言:英文

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