Purchasing- Selection and Procurement for the Hospitality Industry, 8-e博客來好書限量出售

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Purchasing- Selection and Procurement for the Hospitality Industry, 8-e博客來好書限量出售 開箱文 博客來網路書店


New To This Edition

.The text dimensions have been expanded to allow for additional photos, drawings, and tables to more effectively convey purchasing 博客來concepts and applications.

.The expanded glossary contains hundreds of purchasing specific terms and detailed definitions. This glossary is a vital reference for students and those already working in the purchasing function.

.Concepts surrounding technology and “green” practices in the hospitality purchasing field have been expanded and updated. Industry Insights have been updated to cover the most current trends related to purchasing. More than 20 discussions and interviews with industry executives are interwoven throughout the text. These stories include insights that provide insider information on current and future trends related to purchasing. Some are written by experts in the purchasing field, providing perspectives on the future of purchasing, novel approaches to procurement, and new techniques for calculating the amount of products to purchase.

.The detailed references at the end of each chapter have been increased and updated to provide students with current materials to supplement their readings.

.Updated links to key Websites provide students with access to current information.

.New, revised, and updated illustrations and photographs of concepts, companies, and products relating to the purchasing function have been included.

Hallmark Features

.Includes discussion of the purchasing activity and product information from a management perspective

.Product chapters contain updated information on the latest trends

.New information regarding博客來網路書店 technology and “green” practices in the industry

.More than 20 interviews with industry executives about the importance of specific purchasing aspects are included

.Pedagogical features in each chapter, such as Key Words and Concepts, References, Questions and Problems, as well as Experiential Exercises

.Enhanced and expanded glossary of key purchasing terms

.In-depth attention to ordering procedures, distribution systems, supplier channels, price and payment, storage and security, and specification for food, furniture, fixtures, and equipment

Purchasing- Selection and Procurement for the Hospitality Industry, 8-e博客來好書限量出售 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:桂魯    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2011/01/01
  • 語言:英文

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Purchasing- Selection and Procurement for the Hospitality Industry, 8-e博客來好書限量出售

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